Minchen Wang's Page

Minchen Wang

Software Engineer at Meta
Amazon Alumni
New York University & Tsinghua University Alumni

💬 About

I'm a Software Engineer working at Meta (formerly Facebook). Currently I'm working in Ads & Business Products (Monetization) pillar, supporting internal governance tools and infrastructure platforms supporting Ads org and Meta Ads Manager, mainly use React, JavaScript, GraphQL & Hack (Meta's company standard programming language, object-oriented styled PHP).

Previously I worked as an SDE intern at Amazon Devices (Lab126) SCM group at Beijing, mainly worked on developing internal tools and web applications, using Python, flask & MySQL.

Make an impact to help people and make the world better and different!

💻 Experience

🎓 Education

⚔️ Skills

PHP/Hack GraphQL JavaScript React flow Python SQL Django flask jQuery Java C/C++ HTML CSS Web Development Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Web Search Engines Software Engineering

📚 Projects

📗 Professional Projects

Meta, Software Engineer

Coded mainly with Hack (Meta's object-oriented styled PHP), modern JavaScript, React, flow, GraphQL, Python, and SQL. Worked on supporting the infrastructure of Meta Ads Manager, knowledge domain across web development and infrastructure.

Amazon (China), Software Dev Engineer Intern

Coded mainly with Python, flask, JavaScript/CSS/HTML & MySQL. Worked on developing internal tools and web applications.

📙 Course Projects

Web Search Engines - Course Projects

The course Web Search Engines (CS6913) at NYU Tandon is an advanced course designed for students with solid Computer Science background and excellent programming skills. The course has a few coding and research projects and assignments related to Web Search Engines.

📘 Student Entrepreneur Project

Visual Dynamics - Albedo, Full-Stack Developer

Albedo is a SaaS product that our student team build to enforce the PV industry by providing smart design of solar panel layout schema and visualized future prediction reports. The founder team has registered a company in Beijing and I have exited from the team now.

🏆 Awards

😻 More about Me

I'm a big fan of games. I have been playing Minecraft, Factorio, Cities: Skylines, the Sims, Age of Empires IV, etc. for a really long time in the past few years and now. I'm also a big fan of trying new hardwares devices. I now own a few really cool devices like Xbox One S, Xbox One Kinect Sensor, Oculus Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, Steam Deck, etc.

👋 Contact

me [AT] minchen.wang